Monday, 15 September 2008

The five big mistakes

Here are the five big mistakes providers make when they start to write their Training Quality Standard applications.

  1. Running out of time
  2. Underestimating the job
  3. What, no team!
  4. Writing for the wrong audience
  5. Failing to follow the guidance.

Make one of these mistakes and it can harm your application.

Make more than one mistake and you could find you are seriously off course.

Use this post as an aide memoire for when you are writing your application. Avoid all five big mistakes if you can.

So what comes after the five big mistakes?

Now is the time to step back and think about planning the route to certification and to identify strategies that will help to you achieve success.

There are seven of them. What comes next are seven strategies to help you to make progress towards TQS certification.

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